


Jackson Bonnen Headshot

A scholarship created for everyone.

As Jackson Bonnen begins his academic journey to obtaining higher education, he wants to give back and help those that are potentially struggling with affording tuition.

Bonnen grew up in Lake Jackson, Texas and will finish his high school career in his mother’s hometown of Longview, Texas in 2022. Growing up along the Texas coast, in the shadow of North America’s largest chemical facilities, Jackson developed a love for science from an early age. 

This $1,000 scholarship is available to anyone currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program, as well as current high school seniors that have been accepted into a college or university.

About Jackson Bonnen

While at Brazoswood High School, Jackson participated in the Rocketry program and took that passion for engineering to Trinity School of Texas where he successfully petitioned for the school to offer their inaugural Engineering Design course. Jackson finished his senior year as a member of the Trinity Titans soccer team, tennis team and having been elected both Homecoming King and Prom King by the Upper School.

Outside of the classroom, Jackson pursued the family passion of politics and participated in Texas Boys’ State in 2021. During that summer, he also took time for STEM pursuits, joining the MIT Beaverworks Summer Institute in a course on unmanned air radar aperture where his team finished in first place during a course-long competition. Jackson currently serves on the Texas Bank and Trust Student Board and in the TST Investment Club where he participated in stock market simulations.

Jackson is an avid outdoorsman. He is SCUBA certified, enjoys snow skiing, wake surfing and rock climbing. Jackson hiked and canoed Northern Tier High Adventure with his Boy Scout troop, served as an Assistant Patrol Leader and ultimately earned his Eagle rank. 

Jackson is looking forward to his next great adventure.

Scholarship Details

Scholarship Award Amount

$1,000 will be awarded to one recipient.

Scholarship Deadline

All entries should be submitted before:
June 30th, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. PST

Scholarship Eligibility/Rules

You must be confirmed and enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program by the scholarship deadline.

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